full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now I'm sure some of you in the room will be thnnikig, well, this is like cindeg to China, and this is a way, in other wodrs, for the West to take a back seat. But I put it to you that if the United States and European cruioetns want to remain globally influential, they may have to consider cooperating in the short term in order to compete, and by that, they might have to focus more avsirseggely on economic outcomes to help create the middle class and therefore be able to hold government accountable and create the democracies that we really want.

Open Cloze

Now I'm sure some of you in the room will be ________, well, this is like ______ to China, and this is a way, in other _____, for the West to take a back seat. But I put it to you that if the United States and European _________ want to remain globally influential, they may have to consider cooperating in the short term in order to compete, and by that, they might have to focus more ____________ on economic outcomes to help create the middle class and therefore be able to hold government accountable and create the democracies that we really want.


  1. aggressively
  2. thinking
  3. words
  4. ceding
  5. countries

Original Text

Now I'm sure some of you in the room will be thinking, well, this is like ceding to China, and this is a way, in other words, for the West to take a back seat. But I put it to you that if the United States and European countries want to remain globally influential, they may have to consider cooperating in the short term in order to compete, and by that, they might have to focus more aggressively on economic outcomes to help create the middle class and therefore be able to hold government accountable and create the democracies that we really want.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
united states 8
private capitalism 5
economic growth 5
political rights 4
emerging markets 4
economic rights 3
state capitalism 3
living standards 3
capita income 3
equal rights 3
liberal democracy 2
western countries 2
shortest period 2
income equality 2
middle class 2
government accountable 2
freedom house 2

Important Words

  1. accountable
  2. aggressively
  3. ceding
  4. china
  5. class
  6. compete
  7. cooperating
  8. countries
  9. create
  10. democracies
  11. economic
  12. european
  13. focus
  14. globally
  15. government
  16. hold
  17. influential
  18. middle
  19. order
  20. outcomes
  21. put
  22. remain
  23. room
  24. seat
  25. short
  26. states
  27. term
  28. thinking
  29. united
  30. west
  31. words